New Eco resins From KoverTek for 2025


To compliment our traditional portfolio we have added rPet and Bio Resin to our resin range, giving our customers green credentials for their latest moulding projects.


 Made from 16% recycled content  



Made from 14% recycled content



Eco Resin Options

PET REsin Infusion

Vacuum infusion formula for high performance structural laminates utilising RTM/Infusion ifor many end uses incl. Marine

PET resin Hand/spray Lay-up

Hand and Spray Lay-up for structural laminates in many end uses incl. Marine

Bio Resin

Ortho DCPD type formulation for infusion of parts in Marine, Automotive and industrial applications

We Have the Power to Impact Our Future, and We’re Doing Something About It

Fossil-based raw materials used for standard formulations may become scarce in the future. Like our customers, KoverTek and it’s key suppliers are on a journey to become more sustainable and wish to reduce the impact on the environment. By increased usage of post-consumer recycled PET bottles and Bio resins as raw material and making available to the market a broad range of eco products covering the majority of composites processes, we can do our bit to help the planet and make your products more sustainable.

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